Poverty and, thus,
the risk of hunger is a reality for more than a quarter
of a million people living in the communities served by Tarrant
Area Food Bank. Children account for more than one-third
(37%) of these individuals who are living at or below 100% of
poverty as defined by National Poverty thresholds used by the U.S. Census Bureau.
(State of Poverty).CLICK HERE
Malnourished children do not fully
develop physically, mentally or emotionally.
Numerous studies have documented that
hunger and malnutrition contribute to
behavioral problems and interfere with
a childs ability to concentrate
in the classroom.
Others going
hungry are:
- Senior citizens on fixed incomes
- Single parents earning minimum wage
- Chronically ill or severely disabled
- Unemployed workers
- Homeless families and individuals
- Residents of suburbs and rural areas
as well as the inner city;
35% of those receiving assistance
through Tarrant Area Food Bank's network
of agencies live in rural areas and
in bedroom communities adjacent to
Fort Worth.
faces of hunger are Caucasian, Hispanic, African-American,
Asian, Native American. They may be your neighbors. He or she
may be the child in school sitting next to your son or daughter.
The great majority (94%) of those receiving food assistance are
U.S. citizens.
The majority of people seeking food
assistance are not receiving government
benefits. Only 18% of the households
seen by area agencies are receiving
Food Stamps. Government welfare, or
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
(TANF), was the main source of income
for less than 1% of households in 2000.
Among all households
served by the Tarrant Area Food
Bank network:
- Most do not have great numbers
of children --- 74% of households have
three or fewer members and many households
consist of one elderly person;
- 68% have annual incomes at or
below 100% of the federal poverty level;
- 59% have a total annual income
of less than $10,000, whether from employment,
pensions, or some form of Social Security;
- 47% are having to choose whether
to buy food or pay for utilities;
- 35% are forced to choose between
paying for medicine/medical care and
buying groceries.
Note: All information are from the Tarrant County Food Bank website, TAFB