The Cry of the Poor
The Lord hears the cry of the poor
Bles-sed be the Lord
I will bless the Lord at all times:.....
with praise ev-er in my mouth.....
Let my soul glo--ry in the Lord.....
who will hear the cry of the poor......
Let the lowly hear and be glad:.....
the Lord listen to their pleas;.....
and to hearts bro--ken God is near,.....
who will hear the cry of the poor.....
Every spirit crushed God will save;.......
will be ran-son for their lives;......
will be safe shel--ter for their fears,.....
and will hear the cry of the poor.....
We pro-claim your great-ness, O God,.....
your praise ev-er in our mouth.....
Eve-ry face bright--ened in your light.....
for you hear the cry of the poor......
copyright 1978, 1991, John Fowley, SJ